A Letter from Michael to Floridians

Dear People of Florida:
Excuse me for being a tourist. I don’t understand why you’re shocked at my visit; doesn’t everyone want to vacay in Florida? Those of you without adequate insurance coverage didn’t seem happy to see me at all. Honestly, I’m hurt. If everyone would just understand the Flood + Home Insurance = HURRICANE PROTECTION equation, we’d all be better off – and I could sweep down to Orlando for a little R&R at Disney World.
But no. Here we are, fashionably late in hurricane season, and fortifications are still not the norm. We’re not talking sandbags, bottled water and nonperishable stockpiles of corned beef hash. I mean insurance. Here’s a tip: my friends might be coming over after I tell them how great this state is, so you’d better consider coverage. Your self-declared ‘hurricane season’ dictates that all of us (and by ‘us,’ I mean hurricanes) have until November 30 to plan an unforgettable Florida trek.
It’s too late to roll out the Welcome mat for me. Here’s how to prepare for the arrival of other potential 2018 storms:
- Understand and act upon this equation: Flood + Home Insurance = HURRICANE PROTECTION. If you only carry homeowners’ insurance, waste no time in purchasing a flood policy. Most flood coverage does not become active until thirty days after purchase. Just a few inches of water in a residence can cause severe damage. That goes for more than just homes in coastal areas. My girlfriend Florence proved that in North Carolina. She’s such an overachiever.
- Be thankful for the ‘hurricane deductible,’ which decreases the total cost of damages based on unwelcome visits from storms like me. It’s really important to talk with a knowledgeable insurance advisor about what to expect in the aftermath of a hurricane. To give yourself the best possible outcome in the worst possible scenario, plan, plan, plan. And go one step further: actually purchase coverage.
I understand your reticence. Insurance isn’t sexy. You’re not going to zoom around town yelling, “Look at this snazzy coverage!” But still – in the very real possibility that the next hurricane chooses to retire in the land of citrus and palm – I welcome you to hold that policy high and declare “I am the champion!”
Or something like that.
Talk with a W3 Insurance advisor today at 727-522-7777 or visit w3ins.com. The W3 team finds coverage for auto, home, life, flood and more. Most importantly, they insure against damages caused by unwelcome visitors.
Hurricane Michael