Flood Insurance on the Eve of Hurricane Season: We’ve Got You Covered.

We’ll say a reluctant “hello” to hurricane season June 1. Are you ready? Cross an item off your “Hurricane Preparation To Do” list by calling Wallace Welch and Willingham for advice. We offer multiple types of Private Flood and NFIP policies. Which one is right for you – and do you really need flood insurance? Let’s talk.
What is a flood, exactly?
Generally, insurance carriers define flooding as a “rising and overflowing of a body of water onto normally dry land.” For insurance purposes, the word “rising” in this definition is the key to distinguishing flood damage from water damage.
How are Flood Zones determined?
Developing a flood map is a complicated process done by the NFIP (National Flood Insurance Program) under the strict supervision of the Federal government. The development of flood maps is crucial for communities to plan infrastructure and to prepare for the worst-case scenario Mother Nature may bring.
Who is at risk for a flood?
Everyone! Don’t think you are only at risk for a flood if you are located within a flood zone. More than 20% of flood claims come from homeowners living in low to moderate flood zones. Flood is one of the most common natural disasters, and Florida homes are frequently at or below sea level. No one is truly exempt from the possibly extensive damage a flood may cause.
How do I find a flood policy?
This part is easy. Protection is a quick phone call away. Contact Wallace Welch and Willingham at 727-522-7777.