Personal Umbrella Insurance

What is peace of mind worth to you?
Consider your answer – and then look at your current insurance coverage. To really feel secure about your assets and your future in general, you may need the extra level of protection a personal umbrella liability insurance policy provides.
Think of an umbrella policy as a proverbial safety net that provides additional layers of liability protection. If the liability limits are exhausted on your home, auto, or other underlying insurance policy, your umbrella insurance policy takes over to provide additional coverage. The cost of such a policy is minimal compared to the possible damages that could arise without it. With that in mind:
Do You Have Enough Liability Insurance?
Here’s a litmus test. Imagine what would currently happen if you or a youthful driver in your household has an at-fault accident and causes major injuries or death to another person(s).
What if there was an accident on your rental property, or a neighbor slipped on your wet pool deck and decided to sue? What if a fire in your condo spread to other units? If any of these occurred, there is a good chance your current liability limits wouldn’t be adequate to protect your assets or your future earnings.
There are seemingly endless examples of possible accidents that could happen to you or a covered person in your household. The next thing you know, you’re being served with legal notice of a pending suit. Will you know that you’re fully covered? An umbrella policy is an ultimate safeguard in such a situation.
Liability Insurance Starts When the Others Stop
Once the liability limits are exhausted on your home, auto, or other policy, your umbrella policy takes over and provides a second layer of protection of at least $1,000,000. Higher limits may also be available. These policies are likely far-reaching in scope.
Umbrella Policies Are Known for Broad Coverage
An umbrella insurance policy also may pay some claims not covered by your home, auto, or other underlying insurance. The policy covers not just you – it also covers your spouse and all family members living in your household, anywhere in the world. Legal defense fees are also paid if necessary.
The right coverage for you is unique. Find out how to protect yourself, your family and your future with the right personal umbrella insurance for you. Talk with your Personal Insurance Advisor at W3 to determine the right amount of coverage for your needs. And rest easy knowing that your umbrella is ready to be opened if it is needed.