Storm Preparation for Golf Clubs Tees Off Here – Before the Storm, There’s W3

You can’t prevent a severe storm from affecting your club, but you can put an effective risk management program in place to reduce the total impact. Mitigate loss from claims and protect resources and assets. It’s worth the preparation time. Remember: loss history affects your club’s risk profile and premiums over a period of 3-5 years.
Here are a few tips to improve the outcome of a loss:
- Where there’s a heavy storm, there’s bound to be tree debris. Subcontract professionals to handle the day–to –day pruning and removal of dead limbs. This action will have a positive impact on your workers compensation exposure and ensure your trees are not top-heavy or excessively tall.
- Limit your claims submission to what is needed. For example, if your club loses 100 trees but 50 of them are located in a wooded area away from the course, only file claims for trees which truly need replacing. This will improve your loss ratio and thus improve your marketplace risk profile.
- Evaluate potential exposures to flying objects. If necessary, consider adding storm shelters or hurricane (tempered) glass to mitigate future losses.
- Consider a backup generator. Significant power outages can occur during these events; clubs need to consider additional losses such as food spoilage.
Ready to take proactive measures for your club? Contact W3. The W3 Club Advantage team will help your club conduct a vulnerability analysis to evaluate probable threats. Together, we will then prepare a disaster program which can be implemented before, during, and after a severe weather event.
Implementing a disaster response plan is critical to your club’s ability to respond to a severe weather event. This plan should include emergency contacts, disaster procedures and communications, alternate vendors and suppliers, and steps for recovery. It should also have employee information as well as necessary passwords and codes for technology – essentially, everything needed to expedite re-opening.
The W3 Club Advantage program addresses all exposures your club could face in the event of a catastrophic event. For more information about the W3 Club Advantage, contact Hospitality Risk Practice Leader David Cosper at 727.522.7777 ext. 110, email or compete the form below.